- Proposals/News
All Proposals/News
- Policy advocacy
- Advocacy
2015.06.05JANE submitted a proposal on “National Strategic Special Zones” to the Cabinet Office- Entrepreneurship
- diverse
- Sharing Economy
- Tourism
- Event/Seminar
2015.06.03“Japan-Korea Forum on Creative Economy” JANE Cooperated with Embassy of the Republic of Korea to hold Creative Economy Forum- Global
- Policy advocacy
- Advocacy
2015.05.29JANE submitted a proposal to government on raising awareness of information security in Japanese companies.- security
- Policy advocacy
- Advocacy
2015.05.14JANE Representative Director Hiroshi Mikitani made a presentation titled “Japan Ahead” at the LDP meeting.- Philanthropy
- Entrepreneurship
- workforce
- diverse
- digital
- security
- fintech
- Sharing Economy
- Real Estate
- Tourism
- Immigration
- Education
- Regional
- Policy advocacy
- Advocacy
2015.04.27JANE submitted a proposal on usage of My Number system and new Law on Utilization of Information Technology.- digital
- Policy advocacy
- Advocacy
2015.04.15JANE was invited to a hearing session at the LDP the Regulatory Reform Council.- Entrepreneurship
- Event/Seminar
2015.04.09NES2015 has concluded successfully with a total of 3200 participants over the two days. Thank you all for participating.- News from Secretariat
2015.02.03New Economy Summit (NES) 2015 ticket is now available- News from Secretariat
2015.01.22JANE New Year Party- News from Secretariat
2014.11.21“Mirai no Shisatsu-dan” – JANE delegation visited Finland, Estonia and Belarus- Global