- About/Introduction

Development and advancement of e-business (the Internet as well as services that use the Internet) through more strategic use and application of information technology (IT) is essential for Japan to stay on the top of global competition and continue to expand its economic growth.
However, an environment that supports this economic and industrial growth is still at the development stage. The nationwide development of infrastructure of governmental policies and various institutions is an urgent issue.
In February 2010, the Japan e-business Association (JeBA) was established as a general incorporated association for the purpose of strengthening Japan’s competitiveness through the expansion of the Internet and e-business. The objective of the Association is to make proposals and suggestions from the point of view of private sector industry as well as to provide information.
In order to expand its activities not only in the field of e-business but also including the new industrial development field, the Association changed its name as the Japan Association of New Economy (JANE) in June 2012.
Furthermore, JANE promotes in-depth constructive discussions and contributes to an environmental maintenance as well as a framework in Japan through policy suggestions regarding actualization of innovation and growth strategies in all industries that make up the e-business as the core; environment for fair competition; increased participation of people in politics and more efficient administrative processes; and vitalization of regional communities.