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- Released JANE 10th Anniversary Policy Proposal
Released JANE 10th Anniversary Policy Proposal

Japan Association of New Economy (JANE. Location: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Hiroshi Mikitani) released today the “JAPAN TRANSFORMATION – JANE 10th Anniversary Policy Proposal”.
Celebrating the 10th anniversary of its activities in June 2022, the JANE has embraced its starting point, the will to “fundamentally transform Japan,” in the words of JX (JAPAN TRANSFORMATION). This proposal is a comprehensive reform proposal that presents a package of policies necessary to realize JX, and the JANE will be lobbying the government and other relevant parties on issue listed up in the proposal.
[Outline of the Proposal]
1. Goals
“JAPAN TRANSFORMATION” – Fundamentally transform Japan
Make Japan a country where “people, knowledge, and money” gather from all over the world.
There is no future if we do not change this country toward a new era
Change Japan with the power of entrepreneurs
2. Key measures necessary to realize JAPAN TRANSFORMATION (JX)
(1) Give more authority to the private sector
(2) Reduce globally high taxes
(3) Promote and use of “New Combination
3. Policy action items
(1) Drastic reduction in tax rates and elimination of Galapagos regulations in funding and business.
(2) Enact a “Basic Immigration Law” and establish an employment system of attracting people from around the world.
(3) Promote reform competition among local governments and foster a philanthropic ecosystem
(4) Break away from an educational style that accumulates individual knowledge and strengthen “LEEDF” education on a broad base
(5) Regulatory and taxation systems reforms to ensure digitalization in preparation for the Web3 era